Author: Lawrence Albert Pardo-Ilao - Naga City, Philippines

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Website pages appears to be blank or not correctly displayed in Internet Explorer

Some web pages might not display correctly and displays blank pages (just white or 404 error) in Windows Internet Explorer. For example, some portions of a website pages might be missing, information are in the wrong locations, or colors and text might be incorrect.

Let’s try some of these options if a portion of the website is blank or doesn't display correctly.


Using Compatibility View

Compatibility view fixes those display problem like missing information, incorrect color or text by displaying the website as if you were using the older version of Internet Explorer.


Tracking Protection for the website

Tracking Protection is a security feature in Internet Explorer that disables websites keeping track of your online activity. It prevents websites from gathering information about your web browsing.

The feature might intervene with your web browsing.


turning off hardware acceleration feature to help display issues

According to Microsoft, Hardware acceleration uses your PC's graphics processor to speed up graphics dependent tasks like video streaming and online gaming.

Note: Older versions of Internet Explorer doesn’t use hardware acceleration. If you have Internet Explorer 9 and above, you can try these steps:

  1. Open the Internet Explorer, Click the Tools button, and then click Internet options.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, and then select Use software rendering instead of GPU rendering.

You can turn the feature off by unchecking the configuration option.

That’s it!

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