Author: Lawrence Albert Pardo-Ilao - Naga City, Philippines

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Built-in Command or Executable file to Monitor a Shared Folder

Last time, we covered how to use the shared folder wizard, now let’s take up how to monitor and control these resources using Shared Folders program.

Shared Folders program displays the current computers network folder, current sessions, and open files. Here’s the command to monitor these sessions and open files:


Shares folder lists all the shared files and folders available on your PC as shown below.


Sessions displays the list of users connected or using your shared folder. It also display the number of open files from your PC.


Open Files folder display the location of the file or the name of the file itself being use by the user connected to your PC.


Computer management is a combination of different disk, network and file management tools. You can also access Shared folders through computer management window.

You can find the program through Start Search… That’s it!


Keep on reading!



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